CPR Training

CPR training is one of the ways students learn how to help disaster victims.

Disaster Preparedness

Instructors guide students in developing a basic disaster plan.

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Disaster Preparedness

Instructors guide students in developing a basic disaster plan.

Disaster Preparedness

Instructors guide students in developing a basic disaster plan.

Fire Safety

Students learn about basic fire safety, hazardous materials, and utility controls.

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MyPI South Carolina Instructors

What is MyPI and MyPI South Carolina?

Beginning in 2024, the South Carolina Department of Education – Office of Career and Technical Education and Student Transitional Services will offer a four-time national award-winning youth preparedness, leadership and educational outreach program known as MyPI (My Preparedness Initiative) for teenagers across South Carolina. MyPI South Carolina is a component of the National Youth Preparedness Initiative (MyPI National), a partnership of 38 states and 3 US territories, delivering an innovative, engaging, and comprehensive curriculum for teenagers that will enable profound impact on emergency preparedness for households and communities in addition to youth leadership characteristics across the nation. The Phase 1 pilot, Phase 2 expansion, Phase 3 expansion, and final Phase 4 expansion of MyPI National has been funded by the National Institute for Food and Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health.

MyPI National, the instructional training/certification unit, replicates the model created in 2011 and delivered in Mississippi since 2013. In 2014, the Mississippi Youth Preparedness Initiative, the forerunner of the current model, was named FEMA’s national award winner for Outstanding Youth Preparedness program. It also received an Honorable Mention recognition for whole community preparedness. In 2015, MyPI Mississippi was named one of the first entities to be named an official Affirmer of the new National Strategy for Youth Preparedness Education. As such, MyPI is an engaged and recognized component of a nationally supported, progressive approach to preparing youth for emergencies and disasters. In 2017, MyPI National was awarded FEMA’s Individual and Community Preparedness national award for Outstanding Achievement in Youth Preparedness and also another Honorable Mention designation for whole community preparedness. In 2018, MyPI National was awarded the National CERT Conference award for “Preparing the Whole Community”. That year, MyPI National became a recognized Affirmer of the national strategy. And finally, in 2019, MyPI Georgia, a program installed by the national program, was awarded the National Association of 4-H Extension Agents’ national award for Citizenship in 4-H Youth Development, the model’s 4th national award. In 2020, capitalizing on continued growth and momentum of the program, a consulting arm, MyPI International, was created to work with international colleagues.

For teens in all partnering states and territories, MyPI offers a comprehensive and engaging three-component curriculum with a flexible timeline. In Component A, teenagers will complete the United States Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency-certified CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training and corresponding modules focusing on Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety and Utility Control, Disaster Medical Operations, Light Search and Rescue, CERT Organization, Disaster Psychology, and Terrorism and CERT as well as all Hazard-related Annexes. In Component B, the Add-On Catalog features certification in CPR and AED usage, along with a technology track comprised of awareness programs focusing on HAM radio, NOAA weather radio, smoke alarm maintenance, and smart phone apps and social media in emergency preparedness. The Add-On Catalog also includes a school safety component, a disaster simulation, an extreme weather program, a public health awareness and risk mitigation program, an extreme bleeding component, and a career track that focuses on public safety, fire service, and emergency management careers. The final element of the program, Component C, includes a comprehensive family and community service project entitled “Prep + 6” in which each participant helps develop emergency supply kits and emergency communication plans for their household AND 6 additional households. This component allows for significant enhancement in individual, family, and community preparedness and resilience, not to mention fostering youth leadership skills and characteristics. To graduate from the program, students must complete all components.

MyPI is flexible in terms of where it can be delivered. The award-winning program is currently being taught in formal school settings through allied health classes, law and public safety classes, and as part of vo-tech programs. It is also taught outside of school settings for organized youth programs, community agencies, camps, etc.

For additional information regarding MyPI South Carolina including the areas of the state that the program will be delivered in the initial offerings, please explore the different features of this website or contact Mr. Steven Watterson, MyPI South Carolina Program Manager at SWatterson@ed.sc.gov or (803) 734-8267.

For further information about MyPI National, please contact Dr. C. Ryan Akers, Extension Professor, Mississippi State University and MyPI National Project Director at cakers@humansci.msstate.edu or (662) 325-5914.

Student Perspectives of MyPI

News & Events

This week in at the Lexington 2 Innovation Center in Cayce, the initial delegation of instructors within the South Carolina Youth Preparedness Initiative, MyPI South Carolina, completed a comprehensive certification and…
This week in Binghamton, New York, the initial delegation of instructors within the New York Youth Preparedness Initiative, MyPI New York, completed a comprehensive certification and training workshop led by the…
My Preparedness Initia­tive (MyPI) is an award-winning youth preparedness and educational outreach program for American teens ages 13-19. Through hands-on training and classroom instruction, youth learn about their roles in…
This week in Agana Heights, Guam, the initial delegation of instructors within the Northern Mariana Islands Youth Preparedness Initiative, MyPI NMI, completed a comprehensive certification and training workshop led by the…
HARRINGTON, Del.– People from all over the state took part in the My Preparedness Initiative Program that teaches adults in Delaware how to respond during emergency situations. This program is…
When disaster strikes, it’s important to be smart and take quick action. This program equips high school students with the skills to keep themselves and their family and friends safe…
“Preparing our Home” is a community-based resilience planning program. The program enables Indigenous youth to reach their potential in becoming emergency preparedness leaders in their communities. We participated in a…
This week in Anchorage, Alaska at the UAA University Center, the initial delegation of instructors within the Alaska Youth Preparedness Initiative, MyPI Alaska, completed a comprehensive certification and training workshop led…
ANCHORAGE (KTUU) To most, a plastic foldable table isn’t very heavy, but to the members of the Alaska My Preparedness Initiative, the table represented a collapsed wall. They were tasked with…
EM Weekly Podcast, with host Todd De Voe, The Emergency Management & Responders COMMUNITY Listen to Podcast Episode
FEMA created the Youth Preparedness Council (YPC) in 2012 to bring together young leaders who are interested in supporting disaster preparedness and making a difference in their communities, by completing…
Community Emergency Response Team members from California, Florida, and Texas explain how they come together to prepare their communities and assist their neighbors during emergencies. Learn more about Community Emergency…
Teens in Tennessee are taking part in a new program with UT and TSU Extension, called MyPI, to be prepared in emergency situations.  Watch on YouTube.
As we enter the season for severe weather awareness, we are also learning more about a program geared toward training teens to be prepared in the event of a disaster…
Ms. Linda M. Breazeale MSU Extension Service STARKVILLE, Miss. — The leader of a Mississippi-based, national initiative to help families and communities prepare for disasters has earned an additional certification…
By Brittany Jacks MSU Ag Communications STARKVILLE, Miss. — Boxes of supplies can provide important lifelines when storms and other disasters threaten to uproot a household. It has been 10…
STARKVILLE, Miss. — A Mississippi State University youth initiative is joining an elite group of programs that focuses on emergency and disaster preparedness in communities across the nation. The Federal…
By Linda Breazeale MSU Ag Communications MISSISSIPPI STATE — A Mississippi State University Extension Service youth initiative and its coordinator earned national honors this month for efforts to prepare communities…
By Brittnie Burton MSU Ag Communications MISSISSIPPI STATE — Learning opportunities for teens do not end when school lets out for the summer in communities across Mississippi. The Mississippi State…
  By Linda BreazealeMSU Ag Communications MISSISSIPPI STATE — Mississippi teens can soon be trained in disaster preparedness in their communities, something usually done by only a small percentage of…
MyPI Testimonials

The PREP + 6 Service project really stands out to me as a great chance to give back to my community by assisting my family and my neighbors in building emergency supply kits and family communication plans. To know that I did my part to enhance the preparedness and safety of my family and neighbors really means a lot to me.

— Robert K.

Teen CERT is unique. I've never heard of or seen a program like it that specializes in helping teens learn how to respond to a disaster.

— Tyler C.

Participating in MyPI will be a great experience for everyone. The teamwork, communication, and leadership opportunities that exist will benefit you in the long run. It’s actually a fun program and you learn a great bit of material that will protect your family and community.

— Sara C.

Some adults don’t seem to have a lot of confidence that teens like ourselves can accomplish much and assist in emergency and disaster events. This isn’t too advanced for us. It’s not rocket science. Let us help. MyPI gives us guidance in preparedness and basic response skills while we wait for first responders to arrive. Thankfully, there are those out there that listen to us and want to get us involved. MyPI is a gift. Get involved in it if you have the opportunity.

— Jonathan B.

Without all the training I've obtained from Teen CERT, I wouldn't be able to help others in the way that I can now.

— Rebecca S.

Joining Teen CERT has given me the confidence to know that I can now respond to an emergency quickly and appropriately.

— Austin S.

The service project and the focus on technology as well as the career track were great additions to already great Teen CERT curriculum. It’s such a great program and you leave with so many tangible skills and physical resources. I’m so thankful to have participated and have recommended others in my community.

— Keisha T.

Just take a look at all of the extreme weather events that have ripped through our towns and negatively impacted lives for many years to come. MyPI at least allows a stronger knowledge based and a more organized approach to preparing for, well, the inevitable, really.

— Jason S.

Teens in my community should apply in order for them to be properly trained on how to prepare and to safety respond in an emergency to help their family, friends, and neighbors. I believe that MyPI will help teens build self-esteem and leadership qualities, a love for their communities, and possible career choices for their futures.

— Brenda C.

Teens involved with the MyPI program have the opportunity to make positive impacts in the lives of their families, friends, and neighbors. It is a chance to develop their skills and use their talents to improve the community.

— Aaron S.

I feel like I have learned more in this program than in any other when discussing emergency preparedness. The instructors have all been so helpful and really want us to make an impact in our preparedness efforts and those of our families.

— De’Andre S.

Teens can be very dependable and they want to be engaged in our community. MyPI not only gives them an additional wealth of information that they can use indefinitely, but it is also the perfect tool to educate numerous families across the state.

— Jan W.